ITK Leipzig - Courses & Projects

About ITK

The International Coaching Course is a postgraduate study course, implemented twice a year by the Sports Science Faculty of Leipzig University. It aims at physical education teachers and coaches from developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe as defined by the DAC list of ODA recipients.

Our program currently includes the following sports or specialisations:

Football — Handball — Basketball — Volleyball — Track and Field — Swimming — Table Tennis

Conditioning coach — Handicap sports — Physical education


All classes of a course are translated into the following languages: 

  • English
  • French
  • Spanish

The International Coaching Course (ITK) is part of the foreign cultural and educational policy of the Federal Republic of Germany. The German Foreign Office has been funding ITK since 1991, in addition the Saxon State Ministry of Science, Cultural Affairs and Tourism has been funding ITK since 2021. Still, the history of ITK traces back to 1964. Since that time, way more than 5500 coaches and physical education teachers from 150 countries have participated in our courses.


  • summer term: 6 months: 4 months on-site in Leipzig & two separate months online 
  • winter term: 5 months: 3 month on-site in Leipzig & two separate months online
  • Both phases are of mandatory attendance
  • The online phase comprises a four-week period directly prior to the on-site phase plus a four-week period after the on-site phase.


  • in Leipzig ­– at the Sports Science Faculty of Leipzig University


  • permanent residence in a country according to the DAC list of ODA recipients
  • maximum age: 40 years
  • successfully completed degree (university education) in the field of sports
  • experience in sports: competitive sports, training, teaching
  • good physical and mental eligibility


  • Theory and practice in the chosen type of sport or specialisation
  • General Exercise and Training Science
  • Sports medicine
  • Personality development (didactical and psychological fundamentals)
  • Introduction to strength training
  • Sports management


  • Certificate of Leipzig University
  • Certificate of the respective sports association


Sport has the power to change the world.

Nelson Mandela


"BE THE CHANGE you want to see in the world!“ (Gandhi)

enlarge the image:
  • Educational ideal: Life-long learning 
  • Fairness, tolerance and openness
  • International and intercultural exchange
  1. If you study at ITK, you will deepen and broaden your knowledge and benefit from the expertise of numerous experts.
  2. By successfully graduating from ITK, you will become part of a network of sports experts in more than 150 countries.
  3. Studying at ITK at Leipzig University will change you personally. It will give you the chance to stand up for change in your home country.
  4. “Sport has the power to change the world“. This description by Nelson Mandela can be experienced live within ITK.
  5. Successful coaches should never stop learning. That's why an ITK postgraduate study course at Leipzig University is the correct decision.
  6. The ITK study course stands for a close connection of theory and practice. Successful clubs in Leipzig and its surrounding support us in this.
  7. The ITK study course at Leipzig University is not a simple further education program. It is rather a complex sports science education.
  8. Studying at ITK is enriching in every respect: you do not only acquire specific knowledge, but also get to know our culture and way of working.
  9. You will study with people from approximately 30 different countries from all continents. This will give you insights into many different cultures and ways of living.
  10.  Your fellow students are working in the field of sports. You’ll have many opportunities to exchange ideas and learn about different approaches and strategies.

Inequalities and discrimination due to gender are deeply rooted in society worldwide. This is reflected, for example, in the fact that in our students' countries girls and women often do not have equal access to sports or career opportunities in that field.
To empower the role of women is one of our objectives in ITK, we are committed to the education and advanced training of women so that they will be given the same professional opportunities and prospects as men.

This is how we intend to support equality in sports:

  • We explicitly encourage women to apply for one of our courses (and to stick with it until graduation, despite all the difficulties in everyday life).
  • Within our alumni network we organize seminars and workshops on the topic of empowerment of women.
  • We offer targeted training opportunities to our female graduates in order to increase their professional opportunities and participation.
  • We raise our ITK ambassadors’ awareness for the topic of gender equality, so that this topic is also considered in their projects.

Video: women at ITK

ITK Leipzig - #EmpoweringWomen

Team, Historiy & Partners

Cleberson Lopes Yamada, Brazil ITK 2005/1 – Track and Field

I can only encourage all coaches to participate in this high-quality qualification course, which takes place in a vibrant European city and is fully financed by the Federal Foreign Office over the course of an entire semester.

Cleberson Lopes Yamada, Brazil ITK 2005/1 – Track and Field

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