Professional career
- since 04/2009
- 01/1992 - 03/2009
- 09/1986 - 12/1991
- 05/2003 - 12/2007
- 09/1983 - 08/1986
- 09/1979 - 08/1983
Sports Biomechanics (basic)
Sports Biomechanics for Sport Scientists
Biomechanical Diagnostics: Independent Implementation
Talent Identification and Promotion, Ensuring Resilience
Intervention and Evaluation: Justification, Planning, Implementation and Effect Assessment
Internship - Complex Interventions and Evaluating Trainings Process in Competitive Sports
Research fields
Sports, sport science
- Bewegungsoptimierung in Hochleistungssport
- Gang- und Laufanalyse
- Kraft- und Schnelligkeitsdiagnose
Contact for media inquiries
Phone: +49 341 97-31783 / -31662 (Sekretariat)