- 10/2014 - 09/2017
- 10/2017 - 06/2020
- Böker, E.; Janke, C.; Brunn, S.; Brock, D.; Jurig, K.; Witt, M.Evaluation of the Rehabilitation Process after ACL Rupture in Childhood and AdolescenceDeutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin. 2022. 73 (6).
- Roth, C.; Hirsch, F. W.; Sorge, I.; Kiess, W.; Jurkutat, A.; Witt, M.; Böker, E.; Gräfe, D.Preclinical Cartilage Changes of the Knee Joint in Adolescent Competitive Volleyball Players: A Prospective T2 Mapping StudyRöFo. 2023. 195 (10). pp. 913–923.DOI: 10.1055/a-2081-3245
- Böker, E.; Guggenberger, M.; Janke, C.; Witt, M.Reliability and evaluation of the German KOOS-Child: A 12-month observation in ACL-rupture and a cross-sectional analysis in children with different activity levelsSports Orthopaedics and Traumatology. 2024. Volume 40 (Issue 2). pp. 133–141.