Dr. Tom Maudrich

Dr. Tom Maudrich

Research Fellow

Abteilung für Bewegungsneurowissenschaft
Haus 1, T-Trakt
Jahnallee 59, Room T 2010
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 31606
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31679

Dr. Tom Maudrich

Dr. Tom Maudrich

Research Fellow

Haus 1, T-Trakt
Jahnallee 59
04109 Leipzig

Professional career

  • since 11/2020
    Research Associate,Faculty of Sports Science Leipzig
  • since 01/2020
    Deutsche Fitnesslehrervereinigung e.V., Site Manager Leipzig


  • 10/2014 - 10/2016
    M. Sc. Sports Science, Diagnostic & Intervention, University of Leipzig
  • 11/2016 - 11/2020
    PhD Student, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences Leipzig, Department Neurology
  • Neuromuscular & Neural Adaptations to Strength Training
  • Interhemispheric Connectivity
  • Sports & Neuroplasticity
  • Physiological Mirror Activity
  • Spiegel-EMG Aktivität in Abhängigkeit vom sportlichen Training
    Ragert, Patrick
    Duration: 01/2016 – ongoing
    Funded by: Sonstige private Hand; Haushaltsmittel (TG51, Overhead)
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Abteilung für Bewegungsneurowissenschaft; Institut für Allgemeine Bewegungs- und Trainingswissenschaft; Leipziger Forschungszentrum für Zivilisationserkrankungen (LIFE)
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  • Neural Mechanisms of Physiological Mirror Motor Activity
    Ragert, Patrick
    Duration: 11/2016 – 11/2019
    Funded by: Sonstige private Hand; Haushaltsmittel (TG51, Overhead)
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Abteilung für Bewegungsneurowissenschaft
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more projects

  • Maudrich, T.; Kenville, R.; Maudrich, D.; Villringer, A.; Ragert, P.; Nikulin, V. V.
    Voluntary inhibition of physiological mirror activity: an EEG-EMG study.
    ENEURO. 2020.
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  • Maudrich, T.; Kenville, R.; Lepsien, J.; Villringer, A.; Ragert, P.
    Structural Neural Correlates of Physiological Mirror Activity During Isometric Contractions of Non-Dominant Hand Muscles
    Scientific Reports. 2018.
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  • Kenville, R.; Maudrich, T.; Vidaurre, C.; Maudrich, D.; Villringer, A.; Nikulin, V.; Ragert, P.
    Corticomuscular interactions during different movement periods in a multi-joint compound movement
    Scientific Reports. 2020. 10 (1). pp. 1–13.
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  • Mizuguchi, N.; Maudrich, T.; Kenville, R.; Carius, D.; Maudrich, D.; Villringer, A.; Ragert, P.
    Structural connectivity prior to whole-body sensorimotor skill learning associates with changes in resting state functional connectivity
    NeuroImage. 2019. pp. 191–199.
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more publications

  • Andere herausragende Auszeichnungen: Meinel Preis 2016
    Maudrich, Tom (Abteilung für Bewegungsneurowissenschaft)
    awarded in 2016.
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more awards

  • Analysis and Teaching of Complex Athletic Movements and Improvement of Motor Performance

  • Analysis and Teaching of Complex Athletic Movements and Improvement of Motor Performance (Advanced Course)

  • Research Methodology (Intervention and Evaluation Research: Theoretical Justification)